Conferences & Manuals on CD

Why spend money mailing heavy and expensive printed copies when you can present your conference papers, journals, or manuals in an attractive, small, and fully-searchable format that is cheap to mail, easy to store, looks like a million, and costs less than what you’re doing now? And, do it all without risking viruses or heavy on-line fees, like web-based journals.
Putting your information on CD really is the best, easiest, and most economical way. Your members, clients, or branch staff will thank you!
Database Coordination
We will coordinate all your manuals, old and new, to avoid duplication, and track needed cross-referencing. We can also create suites of manuals for different locales or departments, using an identical base, making your manuals easier to update and maintain. Your information and graphics are then tracked in a database
Custom Databases
We custom-build your database, considering how your subject or process works and what you need to be able to do--and often a lot more. We also help you ensure your existing data arrives in your database in its most usable form.
to simplify updates, cross-references, and maintenance of manual suites. We make your information easily reusable for presentations, training materials, and web pages, saving you time and money.
A Real-Time Research Tool
When you need to track an ongoing research project involving documents or objects, a database can be the tool to keep you and the researchers on track, avoiding duplication, allowing quick access to accumulated data, and keeping everyone apprised of what the team is doing. We have coordinated projects like this, using custom databases and other low-key, researcher-friendly tools, and you would be amazed how this approach turns chaos into order! In a project like this, the database grows with the discoveries found about the data, so you are never locked into earlier projections and assumptions. The project coordinator is always able to keep an overview, and when the project is done, reports and write-ups are easy to generate.
E-mail us at:
writer@writer2001.com and let us tell you how we can solve your database and information-related problems.