Celtic Improvisations
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Robert Van Arsdell, author of Celtic Coinage of Britain, calls Celtic Improvisations "important," saying, "This is the most comprehensive and detailed typological study for a Celtic coinage I have seen. ... The text is very readable, I believe, because of the clear style and the use of the first person."
Celtic Improvisations
Tribes neighboring the Coriosolites

Celtic Improvisations is John Hooker's exhaustive ten-year study of the coins of these ancient Celts, using the development of the art as the major theme. Through the art, we begin to see through the eyes of the ancient Celtic artists, and learn what the symbols on the coins meant to them. This leads into the use and migration of the symbols, and their religious significance. The historical events that caused the minting of these coins is also examined, giving further insight into Celts, money, trade, and warfare. What emerges is a snapshot of the Coriosolite tribe around the time of Caesar’s invasion of Gaul.

Celtic Improvisations: An Art Historical Analysis of Coriosolite Coins, BAR S1092 2002, by John Hooker. 120 pages; illustrated throughout with b&w plans, maps, tables, drawings and photographs.

"…The further strength of this engagingly-written study is its appeal to a wide range of interests: it is not just a catalogue of coins, but a case study of Celtic religious philosophy and aesthetics, referring to such apparently disparate subjects as poetry, physics, and psychology."
British Archaeological Reports

"the first time that a Celtic iconographic study has been done for a series of items that are both localized in time and in space." Scottish Place-Name Society (Comann Ainmean-Aite Na H-Alba)

"...site génial sur les monnaies curiosolites avec tout ce que l'on peut souhaiter à propos d'un monnayage sur le net : l'histoire, les pièces en photos, les classements, les références, le tout admirablement présenté. ce site est un modèle (anglais) Fantastic site about the celtic coins of the Coriosolite tribe with everything one can hope to find about a group of coins on the Net: history, pictures of the coins, references, classifications. The site has a wonderful design. A must!" [review of online version of book], Michel Prieur, cgb.fr

Overview of Celtic Improvisations
General Contents:
  • The Hoards
  • Complete catalogue with full description of each of the 93 dies found in the more than 10,000 coins in Jersey’s La Marquanderie hoard.
  • Armorica and the Gods
  • The Neighbours of the Coriosolites
  • Pathways to Brittany
  • Summary
  • Index of Design Elements
  • Quick Identification Chart
  • Concordance between Hooker’s, Rybot’s and Colbert de Beaulieu’s Classes and Groups.
  • Flow charts of changing motifs in each coin group
  • General index

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The online version does not have the latest editorial changes or the additional reference features.

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Celtic Improvisations: An Art Historical Analysis of Coriosolite Coins






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John Hooker
Hooker & Perron
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